
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

World Environment Day 2014 Nailart- Raise your voice ; Not the sea level

Hello Friends,
Today is world environment day so I did a nailart dedicated to this theme. My kids are celebrating environment day at school and doing various activities which help them to understand how can we protect our environment. I also got motivated and thought to do a nailart to show my support to the cause. I picked up the images from UNEP and other sites for inspiration and painted them on my nails. I am really happy the way it came out. Here is my nailart ->

I chose a bright yellow almost neon base for this nailart. Then I just painted everything using acrylic colors and fine brush. It didn't take much time to complete this manicure and I was pleased with the result. I hope you liked it too.


Friends as we are progressing, our environment is degrading. I am not an environmentalist but I contribute my bit by not wasting water and switching off lights and AC when not required , throwing waste in bins only etc and make sure my daughters also follow this. We can actually contribute in many ways just play your part and protect our environment for our future generations. I hope you liked this post. Please share your thoughts too. What role you play to protect our environment ?

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