
Thursday, January 1, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015- First Blogiversary and Yearly Round up

Hello Lovelies,

First of all wish u a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 :) I pray you all get whatever you dream of in this coming year. Today my Blog completed one year :D When I look back I feel that this year was a rewarding one. I won three nailart competitions , a giveaway, got featured on nail it mag twice and also on various big pages on instagram but best of all found lots of lovely nail buddies :D . This year I did over 130 nail designs and I am proud of many of them. I would like to tell you a little about my nailart journey and would share some pics which were liked by most of the people and are my favs. So are you ready ? :)

I started my nailart journey in 2013 around feb, when I bumped into CutePolish's tutorial by chance and was so surprised to see that nailart kind of thing exists lol...... I was good at drawing and painting but never thought that nails can be the canvas too. After discovering cutepolish I watched many other tutorials and I learned a lot from RobinMoses and develpoed my love of freehand. Check out my first nailart below :P

I started posting my nailart on blog and social media around july 2013 when I was confident enough that I am producing better designs under the name MyDailyNailDesigns. But I had to close it due to some reasons and I restarted my journey again as StyleThoseNails in Jan2014. Below is my first nailart posted on 1st Jan 2014.

In 2015 I have some plans to make this blog more useful to the readers. I am planning to add tutorials to as many posts possibles. I will be asking for reader's suggestions on what kind of posts they would like to see more. I am also planning a blog giveaway :D so ya lots of things in pipeline...

Have a look at this slide show where I have put together my 2014 favourites. I hope you will like it.

At the end wish you all a very Happy New Year again. May God bless you and your families. Leave your lovely comments and your blog links too in comment luv so I can check back. AlsoI want you to know that your comments make my day !!

Love - ANita

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