
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Keep the Lumps Out of Your Cups- Breast Cancer Awareness Nailart 2015 (Think Pink) : Video Tutorial

Hello Lovelies,
As you know month of October is dedicated for breast cancer awareness, lots of nailart has been posted on this theme. I am posting my nailart almost at the end of this month as a reminder -please "keep the lumps out of your cups" Yes, self examination is the key ! Check your breasts every month especially if you fall in one or more categories as follows.........

  1. Being female (Breast cancer can occur in men, but it is rare.)
  2. Getting older
  3. Having a family history of breast cancer
  4. Having a personal history of cancer in one breast
  5. Having your first child after age 35 or never having children
  6. Getting your period early in life (before age 12)
  7. Reaching menopause after age 55
  8. Being overweight (especially in the waist)
  9. Long-term use of combined (estrogen and progestin) hormone replacement therapy
  10. Being a carrier of an altered form of the breast cancer gene, BRCA1 or BRCA2 (Genes are the basic unit of heredity. They contain instructions for a cell's development and function, and are passed on from parents to children.)
  11. Having received chest radiation
  12. Drinking more than two alcoholic drinks per day
  13. A diet that's high in fat and low in vegetables. (source-
You can get a lot of information about how to self examine your breasts on website. Here is the link of one useful site.-BreastCancer.Org

Coming back to manisure I first did a simple manicure for BCA, just ribbon and hearts but later I found this interesting picture and I thought I should definitely do this on my nails. I hope you liked this manicure. I used acrylic paints to create full nailart freehand.

Let me know your feedback and if you are interested to see how I created the background for this nailart watch the tutorial below- Thanks 


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