
Monday, November 9, 2015

Buddy Nailart- Landscape Nails featuring Port Blair's Beach and Historic Cellular Jail

Hello Lovelies,

I am sharing a very different post today. Off course it's about nailart but the theme is different. I am a fellow of Global Scra2ch Fellowship Program where we are learning various elements of nail industry. This program is sponsored by Scra2ch and I am so proud to be in the very first batch of this program. One of the important aspect of this program is  to know and interact with other fellows. In this step we were asked by our mentors to find a nail buddy among fellows and create a nailart featuring our buddy's culture and place etc. Me and Kajal aka NailzFashionista collaborated for this assignment and created our buddy nails (pic above) Read on to see what inspired our nailart...

I am from India but currently I am living in Kingdom of Bahrain. For past seven years I have been in different middle east countries and now it feels like another home with so many Indians around :) Bahrain has 50% population from mixed ethnic groups with Indians in majority. Variety of food, culture and language makes it an interesting place. My buddy Kajal is also from India , Portblair (Capital of Andaman&Nikobar Island) being her native place. I have never been to this place but after seeing beautiful pictures of beaches and landscape I have added it to my bucket list. Cellular Jail which was a colonial prison (also known as Kala Pani) is situated here which is of historical importance. So I recreated the beach and cellular jail on my nails.

 My buddy Kajal created a scene of desert safari and I must say she did wonderful job. Desert and camel is integral part of middle east region and I am amazed how beautiful this scenery looks on her nails. You can follow her on Instagram and Youtube :)

As usual I did this all freehand using acrylic paint, I hope you liked our nailart. Please leave your feedback and also blog link if you have so I check you back. - THANKS

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