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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Holi 2019 _ Festival Nails/Holi NailArt

Hello Lovelies,

Holi is a very popular Indian Festival and it's known world wide. Mostly people know it as a festival of colours but very few know the real story behind it. I have attempted to depict the mythological story behind this festival on my nails. This story is about Bhakta Prahalad who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu (The Protector) and his father Hiranyakashyapa who was a demon who forced his kingdom to worship him. Prahalad didn't listen to his commands as he only worshipped Vishnu, the real God. Hirayanakshyapa asked his sister Holika (Demon) to take Prahalad in her lap and sit in fire and challenged Vishnu to save his disciple Prahalad. As story tells Holika was burnt to ashes inspite of having a fireproof cloth. Every year on eve of Holi a bonfire is made representing the Holika . This story symbolizes that we need to burn the evil and negativity to welcome the colourful and joyful life. I hope you like my representation of Holi on my nails.

Also I was a part of this beautiful collaboration by the Indian nail community on Instagram and it was so much fun. You can check my insta post HERE for more pics from collaboration. 



  1. I never knew the background of the Holiday. Lovely manicure and now I feel educated!

  2. I love that your post was so informative and also super pretty and creative. You did great!

  3. What a fabulous mani dear! Just outstanding! <3


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